香港中文大學賽馬會運動良藥計劃 EIM@CUHK-JC

by The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Health & Fitness


「運動良藥」(EIM)計劃是由賽馬會資助,香港中文大學賽馬會公共衛生及基層醫療學院聯同計算機科學部門及運動科學部門合辦的一項為期五年的先導計劃。目的為設計一套更有效的運動及體力活動模式,透過醫護人員及體適能教練的鼓勵,協助培養香港慢性病患者(香港糖尿病及高血壓患者)建立適量的運動習慣。此應用程式配合運動手帶使用,為參加者提供健康數據,包括血壓、血糖、步數、運動量、卡路里燃燒量、身體質量指數(BMI)等紀錄,簡單易明,讓參加者可以輕鬆地了解自身的運動質量及成效。除此以外,此應用程式可以幫助參加者記錄和建立運動課堂時間表以及日常的運動時間表,協助參加者建立運動的習慣。Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, “Exercise is Medicine” (EIM) project is a 5-year pilot project co-created by the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Department of Computer Science and Department of Sports Science and Physical Science of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. With the aid of professional health care providers and physical fitness trainers, the project aims to develop sustainable exercise habits among chronic disease patients (Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus). This mobile application is designed for participants of this project to view blood pressure, blood sugar, physical activity records, including step counts, time spent in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and active calories burnt. This allows participants to easily understand the quality and effectiveness of their exercise practice. In addition, this helps participants to record schedules of the exercise class and daily exercise schedules to help participants build the habit of exercising.